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also known as
Elliot and Jen
We’re Jen and Elliot, a couple of high school sweethearts traveling around the world. In April 2019, we made the decision to fulfill some of our life dreams and booked a one-way flight to Colombia where we would begin one year of full-time travel. Our fear of missing out on life, the adventure that naturally comes with exploring the unknown, and the difference and distance involved in traveling shed light on a life we didn’t want to live without. We decided to do life differently, to challenge ourselves to grow in ways we didn’t expect and to live in a way that made us feel fulfilled each night when our heads hit our pillows.

Our initial goal was to travel for one full year, but after 5 months in India in their nationwide lockdown due to a global pandemic, we cut our trip short and come back to the United States in August. If 2020 taught us anything, it was the importance of being able to pivot and keeping an open mind to new opportunities.
During our last month in India, we reflected on our past year of travel and decided that we both wanted to continue traveling. Although we knew we would need to change our idea of traveling due to the pandemic, we considered three options: 1 van life, 2 RV life, or 3 boat life. After much contemplation and thought, we decided to buy a boat, learn how to boat, and begin life on the water. We don’t know how long we’ll be living on a boat beyond the Great Loop, so we hope to embrace what this lifestyle has to offer while we’re a part of it. In the future, we hope to resume our international travels, but until the pandemic becomes that of the past, we’re set on exploring the waterways and landscape in the United States.
The Meaning Of
Scho & Jo is shorthand for each of our last names. Elliot’s last name is Schoenfeld and Jennifer’s last name is Johnson, so shorting the two and putting them together makes Scho & Jo.
While we were traveling in Australia in early 2020, we visited a coffee cart that was traveling around Australia and had these beautiful books about where they traveled. It spurred our idea of possibly doing something similar one day but still posting on YouTube, creating a “show” while serving a cup of “joe.” That immediately sparked the idea for Scho and Jo. The coffee cart idea was put on the back burner, but the name stuck with us.
Meet Elliot
Elliot has a background in software engineering and worked at corporate jobs before we left for our adventure. Elliot began two software consulting companies in preparation for our adventure, and being able to work on the road. Elliot loves pizza and beer and reading manga.
He is is our captain, diesel mechanic, main navigator, and the primary Ollie walker.
As a child, his mom took him to Sea World every weekend. He attributes that experience to his love for marine life and his appreciation for the ocean.
Meet Jen
Jennifer has a background in architecture and city and regional planning. She worked at a private architecture firm, a non-profit, and government organizations before leaving on our adventure. Jennifer loves pistachio ice cream and drinking tea.
She is our first mate, galley chef, primary line handler, and the main travel planner.
As a child, Jen loved going to New York City with her family as well as going to the beach. The contrast between the urban environment and the natural environment is something she still enjoys today.
Meet Ollie
Ollie has a background in long naps and specializes in snuggling. Her soft spot is belly rubs and treats. She loves long walks on the beach, playing in the waves, and going on adventures with her parents.
She is the boat deck swab, making sure everything is in order. Ollie takes her duties very seriously each morning for her routine checks.
Ollie enjoys boat life, however, she is the only one who doesn’t enjoy seeing dolphins on our boat.
How did we meet?
We both attended the same high school for the International Baccalaureate program in 2006. We started dating in 2008 after Jen received a bad grade in math and needed a math tutor, so she asked Elliot. Eight years later, we got engaged on a glacier in Iceland.
Why aren’t we married yet?
When Jen was about to graduate from graduate school in 2019, we had saved up money and were between three options: 1- move across the country for a job, 2- get married and have a big wedding, or 3- travel abroad for a year. In September of 2019, we left the United States with a one-way ticket for our year of international travel. Traveling and seeing the world was amazing, so we haven’t stopped. We just haven’t prioritized getting married over traveling.
How do we afford to travel?
We saved up money before we left on our year of international travel. During that year abroad, Elliot worked on his software consulting business doing about 10 hours a week, which helped to sustain our travel funds. When we returned to the US after our year of international travel, Elliot picked up more consulting jobs and worked 40 hours a week. We’ve been working on building Scho & Jo as well as multiple streams of income in hopes of sustaining our travels long term.
How did we decide on our boat?
When we first decided to pursue boat life, it was on Jen’s stepdad’s old sailboat that was damaged in a hurricane a few years back. We were working on repairing the sailboat when we finished the repair work and began the work to make the boat more livable for a full-time liveaboard. The boat was a little small to the point where Elliot couldn’t stand up straight in our salon/galley and the boat didn’t have the capacity to hold all of the batteries we needed to work while traveling. So we actually stubbled upon PIVOT who was sitting in the same boatyard as Jenn’s stepdad’s sailboat and was up for sale. We took a few looks at her and were told the long list of projects the previous owners did to the boat. We didn’t shop around. We had not even been on a trawler before stepping on this boat (on land). Overall, we’re really happy with our boat. It’s the perfect boat for two young adults interested in learning about boats. Learn more about our boat here.
Why did we decide to do the Great Loop?
The Great Loop was the perfect boating adventure for us, as we had zero prior experience. The Great Loop consists of all inland and coastal cruising, so we felt comfortable knowing we’d always be within distance of help if we needed it. Also, the Loop has a start and end date which meant if we didn’t like cruising or living on a boat, we could quit. Overall we are very glad we took this leap and decided to do America’s Great Loop!
What type of dog is Ollie?
Ollie is a mutt from the Atlanta Humane Society and we’re unsure of her breed. She was advertised as a “Labrador mix” (many of the dogs were listed as that), but we believe she’s a Jack Russel terrier beagle German Shepard mix. Regardless, we love her wholeheartedly and wouldn’t have her any other way!
What gear do you use?
We share our camera gear, vlogging and photography gear, boat gear, outdoor gear, and travel gear on our gear page.
Do you have an additional question for us? Send us an email at We’re happy to answer your questions.
We try to make it easy to follow our journey, which is why we are virtually everywhere. You can join us and subscribe to our weekly email, chat with us on Facebook, see what we’re up to on Instagram, and of course, virtually join the adventures on YouTube!