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Embrace your Pivots
We COULD HAVE SUNK (A day full of LOWS sprinkled with some HIGHS, Boat Life)
After a fantastic cruise to the Outer Banks to visit Ocracoke, we had planned to head up the Pamlico Sound to Manteo and continue exploring. Mother Nature had a different plan for us as we were hit with swell and waves 4x what was forecasted, directly on the beam… We Pivoted “like we do” and…
Cruising to the outer banks (and how we leave docks on our Single Engine Trawler with a Bow Thruster)
We are going to a NEW DESTINATION on the Loop this year – the outer banks of North Carolina to Silver Lake Harbor in Ocracoke Island! But first, we need to leave our slip in Oriental… Watch as we show our thought process when leaving a dock and share our experience visiting and learning about…
Boat Projects, a Sailing Race, and Drinks with Loopers, A day in our FAVORITE TOWN (Oriental NC)
We’re back baby! Back to one of our favorite stops on the Loop, Oriental, North Carolina. Oriental is a small town, proclaimed as the sailing capital of North Carolina and is right off the Neuse River. Today, being on a dock, means we make the most of it. Time to tidy up some of the…
Exploring Bear City before heading into the Sailing Capital of North Carolina, Oriental!
Today we have our favorite type of day on the loop, exploring a new spot as well as a beautiful cruise! We hope you enjoy our walking tour of New Bern North Carolina and our Play-By-Play of backing into our slip-in Oriental! Episode #241 Filmed on April 22nd, 2022 New Bern, North Carolina CAMERA GEAR…
Timing the tides to New Bern from Beaufort!
Today was a bit rocky at the beginning of the day. We had timed the day to where we left some time to grab breakfast before catching the tide up Adam’s Cut but the coffeeshop took much longer than expected, leaving the whole day in jeopardy. As with most things, however, they are bigger at…
Navigating an ICW Coast Guard SECURITY ZONE on the way to explore Beaufort, North Carolina
Today, a section of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway is restricted… and it’s the section we need to pass through! A few miles outside (and including) Swansboro, North Carolina, the Coast Guard is practicing rescue operations from 8 am to 4 pm. The goal is to have anchors up at 6 am to be through the…
Our third month on the Great Loop was more expensive than we would have hoped. Attending the America’s Great Loop Cruisier’s Association Spring Rendezvous in Norfolk, VA put us about $1,000 off budget, but the information we gained was well worth the budget detour. Traveling around America’s Great Loop doesn’t have to break the bank.…
Cruising to the beach on the way from Wrightsville Beach to Camp Lejeune by Trawler
The weather finally cleared up and we are able to get moving on the Loop! Before leaving Wrightsville Beach we took Ollie out for a lovely beach walk-in… 50deg weather! Then we left for our 49th day on the Loop and continued cruising North. Surprisingly, most days on the Loop you are not that close…
Finding a protected anchorage off the ICW in Wrightsville Beach on the Great Loop
We have some nasty winds coming to Pivot and it’s time to move anchorages! Fortunately, the cruise from Carolina Beach to Wrightsville Beach is short! We’ve been to Wrightsville Beach once before, but this time we’re entering from the south which is known to have less shoaling and a more straightforward approach. Episode #237 Filmed…
Choosing our perfect weather window to cruise Cape Fear to Carolina Beach
When we attempted the Loop last year, traveling up Cape Fear was rough. In the morning we lost our wheel at our upper helm, we had large swells and the current against us. Going 2 kts it was 3 hours of tough cruising. HOWEVER today we are staging from Southport and leaving at 0 dark…