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Leaving Norfolk and running aground before the Deep Creek Lock
Even though we were tempted to stay in Norfolk and Portsmouth for an additional day so we could partake in the Norfolk Half Marathon, it was time for us to continue our journey southbound. We had an impending deadline as one of the railroad bridges south of us was going to close for several days due to maintenance, meaning we wouldn’t get through unless we left on this particular Saturday morning.
Our cruise down the Elizabeth River to the ICW junction of the Dismal Swamp Canal or the Carolina Cut went smoothly. We took our right turn at the Dismal Swamp right before we spotted the lock ahead of us. Elliot called out for the 1pm lock as we were 30 minutes early. Elliot had to keep our boat in the center of the river, but as he was trying to conserve our battery and refrain from using the bow thrusters unless it was necessary, we ran aground right as we saw the lock gates were open and waiting for us to enter. After 5 minutes of stress to get PIVOT off the sandbar, we did it and got into the lock.
We passed through the lock and tied up to the Deep Creek free dock. After getting a quick workout in, we made our way to the nearby Food Lion for groceries and pizza for dinner.
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